Messages on hold: One size does not fit all

Messages on hold: One size does not fit all

No business likes to put customers on hold, but sometimes it's unavoidable. Studies show that customers that hear engaging messages while waiting, stay on the line longer than those waiting in silence or listening to elevator music. But, while messages on hold can improve the caller's experience, it's essential to ensure your messages are tailored to your specific business needs.

An important thing to consider is how long the caller might be waiting.

Message on hold for short wait times

For most small and medium-sized companies, on hold wait times are relatively short. You can keep your messages on hold to five-minute recordings featuring eight to ten prompts with different messaging. Chances are that your caller will only hear a few prompts before someone is back on the line to help.

In this case, your messages on hold can contain information on sales, events, and special promotions. You can also add important information about your company and services and the basics: address, website, hours of operation, and so on.

Messages on hold for longer wait times

Larger organizations, like airlines, banks, and insurance companies, sometimes encounter circumstances that require them to put callers on hold for longer. In these cases, a caller will feel frustrated hearing the same sales pitch in a shorter recording over and over. So these companies need to rethink their message on hold strategy.

Here are six ideas for those longer messages on hold.

1.   Offer information that helps customers help themselves

Sometimes, a caller can find the information they're looking for online or through other means. Consequently, it would help if you let them know that right away. For example, you can point them toward your website's live support chat, customer support library, or FAQ page. In addition, you can share information on how they can book or change an appointment online or submit a ticket for support and receive a callback.

2.   Show your appreciation

No one wants to wait on hold for an extended period. No one. So, showing deep appreciation for your callers and thanking them for their patience is vital. Ensure you include that messaging in your on hold recording. Some businesses even offer special promotions to their customers on hold, an excellent way to show appreciation and win their loyalty.

3.   Set their expectations

Provide updates on the status of that customer's request, including estimated wait times. You can also provide information on the next steps. For example, if they need specific documents, credentials, or order numbers ready for the customer service representative, you can ask them to have them ready. Sometimes having an end in sight can make waiting more bearable.

4.   Entertain them

Callers who hear engaging and interesting messaging will have a more positive experience. You can entertain them by sharing customer success stories. Success stories also help build trust and confidence in your brand. In addition, you can offer interesting stories, facts, or trivia about your business and industry. Mix that up with music, clips from your podcast, or other audio entertainment, and you have found a fun way to engage callers while they wait.

Instead of making your message on hold a giant sales pitch, consider offering helpful tips and advice related to your business and industry. For example, a bank could share tips for managing finances, investing, or preparing a household budget. Providing interesting and helpful information can keep those waiting minds occupied while situating your organization as the industry expert.

6.   Add in some company information

Some of your prompts can include information about your company. For example, you can share your key services, products, areas, missions, and core values. You can also provide information on things customers might be interested in, including warranty information, rebates and incentives, on your products, upcoming promotions and events.

Custom messages on hold from On Air

On Air offers can help your organization produce an effective, engaging, and time-appropriate message on hold. We offer professional scripting, voice over, recording, and production services. So whether you're a small business that needs something quick and punchy to keep those callers entertained for a short period or are in it for the long haul, we can help.

Learn more about our professional message on hold services.