Creating a consistent brand voice with your messages on hold

Creating a consistent brand voice with your messages on hold
create your brand voice

If you've developed a brand voice for your company, ensure it is consistent across all communication channels. Brand consistency helps you build and maintain trust and familiarity with your target audience. In addition, it helps build a stronger brand identity, making it easier for your customers to recognize and remember you.

Your messages on hold are a method of communicating with your customers. Therefore, you should be consistent there too. Here are some tips:

Define your brand voice

You've likely done this already if you've been in business for a while. Your brand voice definition should lay out all the components of your company's personality and culture. For example, is your brand formal and serious or quirky and casual? Determining your brand voice is a critical first step in any communications strategy.

When choosing a voice-over artist for your messaging, keeping your brand voice guidelines in mind is essential. You want to use a professional voice talent that matches your brand's voice. Their expertise in delivering messages in a consistent tone can be valuable. On Air works with a vast pool of voice talent and can help you choose a voice that suits your company best.

Decide on your message

Crafting your messages on hold is something On Air can help you with. We work with professional writers who can create messages that align with your brand's voice, values and objectives. Whether you're sharing about your products and services, special offers, or company culture, we'll make sure your messages sound like your brand.

If you have writer's guidelines that define your brand's language, tone, and messaging style, we will work with that. Every message a caller hears will align with that brand voice!

Ensure you keep things up-to-date

Keeping your messages on hold up-to-date is essential. You don't want callers to hear messages about last summer's promotions or holiday greetings for a holiday that was months ago. Stale content can hurt your brand image. No worries! On Air will send you regular content update reminders. Our writers and producers will revise or recreate your messages when required to ensure everything is current.

Be consistent

Ensure your brand voice is consistent across all customer touchpoints, including your message on hold. You must be consistent on your website, social media, advertising, and other marketing efforts. This consistency reinforces your brand identity and helps customers recognize your company.

Work with On Air

On Air can ensure your message on hold, phone prompts, and other recorded messages are consistent with your brand voice. You want your brand personality to shine through in all interactions, even during brief moments waiting on hold.

Contact us to get started!