Choosing music for your message on hold

Choosing music for your message on hold

On hold music from yesteryear was typically boring, dull or even robotic. If you’re investing in message on hold, the last thing you want is for boring elevator music to turn off your customers. You want them to have a good customer experience. You need them to stay on the line. So, here are some tips for choosing great music to compliment your messages on hold.

Make sure the music matches the message.

If you’ve had your script professionally written by our team at On Air, read it over and determine the style of writing. Is it light-hearted or serious? Emotive or factual? If your message is more serious, consider smooth jazz or light alternative contemporary. For something light or funny, you might want something more upbeat. On Air can help you choose music that will match the content of your messaging.

Consider the mood and preferences of your callers.

You should also consider your specific industry and the type of people who will call in. For example, if you offer funeral services, you might want music that is comforting or reassuring. Upbeat country or heavy rock might give your callers a negative feeling. If you’re a pet store or toy store or your message has trivia and fun facts, you can choose something with an upbeat tempo. You should also make sure your music matches the voice talent who will be voicing your message on hold script. This is also something we can help you with.

Don’t annoy your callers.

Being put on hold is annoying and that’s just a fact. If your callers must wait, make sure the music accompanying your messages on hold isn’t annoying too. Avoid busy-sounding music that might give people anxiety or hum-drum elevator music that make them roll their eyes. After you’ve considered your message and your target audience, make sure the music is something they might enjoy.

Music selection with On Air

Our music library is vast! We have thousands of hours of licensed music in a wide variety of styles. From folk, hard rock, soft jazz to classical, we will find the perfect music to compliment your messages on hold. Need help choosing? We’re the professionals when it comes to creating professional and effective audio recordings. We are happy to help.

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