4 essential auto-attendant greetings for any business

Integrating an automated phone system has several benefits. For a busy company that receives many calls, it can help manage those calls and quickly direct callers to the person or information they need. A phone auto attendant ensures every caller greeted, wait times are less and frees up more time for your staff to be productive at their core competencies.
There are four basic greetings required to enhance your auto attendant. By using these four, you can improve every caller’s experience, more effectively manage calls, and showcase your company’s professionalism.
Main Greeting
This greeting is the first thing callers will hear, so make sure it’s welcoming, professional, clear, and concise. Keep this main message short and to the point. Too long of a delay in getting to the main menu, or to the person or information they need, can be frustrating. Start by sharing your appreciation for their call. You can also suggest they head to your website for more information if that is relevant, or if not, to listen to further options. Keep your main greeting as short as possible.
Here's an example of a Main Greeting:Thank you for calling (Company Name).If you know the extension of the person you’d like to reach please dial it now.For Sales, press 1For Service, press 2For Accounting, press 3You can also visit us online at (web address).
After-Hours Greeting and Voicemail
When someone calls after hours, they’ll be disappointed that they were not able to reach someone. A professional after-hours and weekend greeting can help curb that disappointment. First, tell them that you are closed. Then thank them for your call and let them know your normal hours of operation. If you can assist by sending them to your website, do that. If not, invite them to leave a message or call back during regular business hours. In some cases, you can offer an emergency number if you have a staff member on call.
Here's an example of an After-Hours Greeting:Thank you for calling (Company name). Sorry, we are currently closed. Please call back during our regular business hours: between 08:30 AM to 05:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, or you can email us your message at (email@address.com)
Open Hours Busy Greeting and Voicemail
Some businesses are unable to answer every call during peak times, even during regular business hours. If your callers are sent through the automated phone system or to your voicemail during a busy time, let them know up front that they’ve called during a high-volume time. You can be honest with the caller, telling them you or your operators are assisting other callers. Thank them for their understanding and patience and then give them options. They can leave a message, or if the call is urgent, follow another extension to find the information they require. If they can find what they need online, direct them to your website.
Here's an example of a Busy Greeting:Thank you for calling (Company name). Due to a higher call volume, all of our represantives are currently busy at the moment. Please leave us a detailed message and we will call you back or you can email us your message at (email@address.com)
Holiday Closure Greeting and Voicemail
If your hours have changed because of a holiday, it’s important to update your customers on the day you are closed or have hours reduced. You should also mention when you will resume regular hours again. Keep this message friendly, but to the point, and have it be the first greeting they hear when they call into your automated phone system. You can also add some cheer by wishing your callers a happy holiday!
Here’s an example of a Holiday Closure Greeting:Thank you for calling (Company Name). We are currently closed for the holiday and will re-open on the next business day. Please leave us a detailed message and we will call you back when we return or you can visit our website for more information at (web address).
Need help with your automated phone system greetings and voicemail greetings? On Air offers a special Auto Attendant package for small businesses. We can provide these four greetings, professionally voiced and produced, for just $175 or less. Want to learn more? Contact us!